Friday, October 10, 2008
Photography Artist: Bill Armstrong
Artist/Photographer: Bill Armstrong
City, that's obvious.
Graffiti: Crime/Art?
Hopefully neither.
John: Updike/Steinbeck?
Steinbeck...In high schol I loved The Grapes of Wrath, would still be a good book to read now given the current depression. I've never gotten anywhere with Updike.
Off off but I rarely go to the theature, I haven't been to a play in years.
Time/Time Out?
Time out.
In/Outdoor Person?
I don't know.
I claim to be a nonconformist.
I wear the same sneakers everyday.
Salt/fresh water?
Heels or Flats?
Little Italy:Bronx/NYC?
Well, I like Littly Italy in the Bronx but I don't go there that often.
Tic tacs.
The Stones.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The Essential Question: Peter Tuchman
City...I grew up in the city..I've lived in many cities. I like the country, I like the city but I have no interest in the suburbs.
Graffiti: Art/Crime?
Bronx or Brooklyn? Bronx!
Oh, I'm psychotically I appear PASSIVE to you? (laughing)
John: Updike/Steinbeck?
(Relatively long pause, Peter has to ponder about this for some time and when he begins to speak again, his speaks with brutal honesty here) I have NOT read a book since I was eight years old, I'm being honest!
On Broadway! No, I love musicals!
Time/Time Out?
Time Out! It's all about food!
In/Outdoor person?
I'm both.
Both...subways get there fast, cabs for everything else.
(Pause) Ahh, either.
Hmmmm...I prefer giraffes!
I am a cash guy...all about the cash.
(laughing) You wanna answer that?
Shoes are very important, they tell a lot about a man...(Gallo).
Library/book store?
I told you before, I have not read a book since I was eight years old....libraries are good to meet women though, libraries are super sexy. (smiling devilishly)
Morning/Night Owl?
I am around the clock, I told you before, I have not slept in eleven years!
Salt/fresh water?
Salt water, big ocean guy, I love the ocean!
I prefer naked! (laughing), No, heels are great.
Little Italy in the Bronx/NYC?
Beatles...I HATE the Stones!
Coffee, strictly espresso!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
The Essential Question: Evan Goodrow of EGB
City...the latest and greatest in culture and in thought.
Graffiti: Crime/art?
What? Grafitti? Oh, crime!
Definately Brooklyn! Why? Cuz it's Brooklyn!
John: Updike/Steinbeck?
Definately Updike, I like both for their own reasons.
Broadway/off/off-off?Oh, depends on my mood.
Time/Time Out?
They're both good for their own purpose. Time's got some
really good articles, Time Out is just fun.
In/Outdoor person?
I'd have to say both...can I say both? I spend a lot of times in
doors but I'm really an outdoor person.
Both, I'm an extrovertoed introvert. You have to be an
extrovert to do what I do but ultimately I'm introverted.
Payless/Gallo?Middle of the road with that stuff.
Library/book store?
Morning/Night Owl?
Salt/fresh water?Salt.
On a woman? Oh, heels. (laughing)
Little Italy in the Bronx/NYC?
Probably the Bronx...that's hard, they're both charming for
their own reason.
Dublin/London?I love London but Dublin's more real.
Gum, lasts longer.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
Financial Analyst: Lia
City/Suburb?The more I've traveled the more I realize New York city, where I live, is the best city in the world; but I have a soft spot for the quiet suburbs where teen angst, basement punk shows, and rebellious mall rats are born and bread.
Graffiti: Crime/Art?Graffiti is a mystery to me. It's a double edged sword... sometimes it's crazy and daring, like when things are painted on buildings 500 feet in the air and you know some crazy kid with a picture in his mind was hanging off a rope with a can of spray paint. Sometimes it's just tacky like gang signs or tags, so yeah when it's good it-s art, when it's bad.... just a crime in more ways than one.
Bronx/Brooklyn?Both boroughs are so diverse its hard to compare. I spend more time in Brooklyn b/c there are way more vegan restaurants. My life might actually revolve around food and nothing else!
I'm aggressively passive.. is there a clinical term for that?
John: Updike/Steinbeck?Updike!! I'd choose subversive sexual references over farming any day of the week.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off?I love musical theater and even though it's cheesy I love Broadway!
Time/Time Out?Nap time, is that a choice? Definitely nap time!
In/Outdoor Person?depends on the weather.
I live on 11th avenue. I'm the only one on the bus in a suit.
Domestic/Import? American workers and our economy, we need all the help we can get!
Non/conformist?I'm a conforming non conformist and I like tongue twisters too.
Dog/Cat?I have a rescued pit bull mix named baci...she is the love of my life! Cats are OK but i'm allergic. Adopt a shelter animal please.
Plastic/Cash?Cash is king, but for some reason i never have any. Plastic Please.
In/Extrovert?Depends on how expensive the bar is wherever I am.
Payless/Gallo?I'm a vegan so payless...they have a lot of man made options.
Libraries can be intimidating but actually so can the literary snobs at since the library is free, I'd be there more often. Downside=you have to remember to return your book and you can't display it on the shelf and your nerd honor pathces that are so sought after since Weezer came back into popularity.
Morning/Night Owl?I don't really sleep so much so I guess any time of day is fine for me.
Salt/fresh water?Ocean waves!
Heels or Flats?I'm awkward and since I walk a lot, heels sometimes are my enemy.
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC?Arthur ave, the Bronx. that's where all the Italians went after the Chinese invasion: no tourists and no over priced coffees, just all kinds of weird gamey meat products I have to avoid in order to get the good bread!
Dublin/London?I've been to London and it was ok. but after read James Joyce i feel like Dublin has far more interesting people. I should go there!
I cant drive. I mean I have a license but it's bad news. I'd say automatic b/c I'm pretty sure NYC bus is automatic, right?
Gum/Tic-tac?gum. I love sweet mint gum!
Driver/Passenger?Passenger - you can nap if you want, but usually the passenger isn't allowed to touch the i pod, but I guess that's the trade off.
Stones/Beatles?the Beatles! I mean the Stones were too cool for me. I don't have that kind of style.
Coffee/tea?i would say tea but I'd be lying. I think 10% of my blood is coffee. If my dog didn't bite my toes every morning to wake me up, my coffee would be the only way I'd get out of bed.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Stop Irrational Logic Band Member Richard Lee
City/Suburb? Suburbs...cuz I'm around crowds most of the time...I like bananas on trees, the ocean, my puppy, as long as I have a helicopter to get to my gigs!
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Um...professional grafiti is art, B***S*** tags are a crime, just tagging is a crime to me, gang B***S*** ...but the ones who do it (graffitti) for art? It's beautiful!
Bronx/Brooklyn? I'm a Brooklyn kid (smiling) but you know what? That's changing. I now live in Riverdale (very nice section of the Boogy Down) and I'm (re)discovering the Bronx and it's quite nice actually. I also love Brooklyn, it's where I was born and raised.
Passive/Aggressive? I am both, depends on my mood.
John: Updike/Steinbeck? Steinbeck.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Broadway.
Time/Time Out? Time.
In/Outdoor Person? Out, I love nature.
Subway/Cab? Either.
Domestic/Import? I drive a Jag.
Non/conformist? Non, non, non.
Dog/Cat? Dog. I have a beautiful dog, her name is Spirit. I like all animals, I talk to them...I can connect...
Plastic/Cash? Cash.
In/Extravert? Both...depends on the environment, my mood...sometimes I can take over a room, while other times just sit in a corner and be shy and quiet. People think that's being stuck up...
Payless/Gallo? I like to spend money, I don't like to hold onto things, I am going to enjoy myself today...we are not here forever.
Library/store? Book store. I buy my books and read them at my leisure...libraries are a bit outdated now I think.
Morning/NightOwl? Day and night...I think sleeping is a waste of time, I only do it to recharge, regenerate, that's it.
Salt/fresh water? Salt, I like the ocean...I am a beach bum.
Heels or Flats? (smiling) I like pumps.
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? Manhattan...haven't explored the Bronx one yet.
Dublin/London? London, they're crazy! Good party! Never been to Dublin.
Standard/Automatic? Automatic, although I like to drive a standard, just not in the city...
Gum/Tic-tac? Gum, I'd eat a box of tic tacs! (laughing)
Driver/Passenger? Driver...always.
Stones/Beatles? The Beatles.
Coffee/tea? Coffee.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Doula/DONA Trained: Erin Hessel
City/Suburb? City.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Um, I'd say both, depends on the situation.
Bronx/Brooklyn? Manhattan! (laughing)
Passive/Aggressive? Passive.
John: Updike/Steinbeck? I don't know, I only know John Steinbeck, don't know Updike, didn't do my research...
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Oh, it doesn't matter, saw them all, like them all.
Time/Time Out? I like Time, don't know Time Out, heard it was good...I might like it.
In/Outdoor Person? Out door person.
Subway/Cab? Subway, unless it's after midnight...
Domestic/Import? Import...German, Volkswagen (specifically).
Non/conformist? I would consider myself more of an non-conformist (Erin majors in Chinese Medicine/Healing).
Dog/Cat? Cat! I love cats! Don't have any but I love them anyway.
Plastic/Cash? Plastic is convenient, but cash keeps me more honest...
In/Extrovert? (pondering) Introvert.
Payless/Gallo? Payless.
Library/store? Oh, book store, I don't like libraries, I don't know why...I've always had an aversion to them.
Morning/NightOwl? I'm actually more of a morning person which is good for me, guess with school and everything...
Salt/fresh water? Salt! I love the ocean which is ironic because I'm from Minnesota, moved to New York about a year ago, before that moved to California when I was sixteen...
Heels or Flats? Flats! Definitely flats!
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? Manhattan...I never knew there was a 'Little Italy' in the Bronx!
Dublin/London? I would say Dublin, I've never been but I have been to London, now as far as Europe goes? I'm more of a French girl myself, love France!
Standard/Automatic? Standard! I learned how to drive a standard when I needed to rent cars in foreign countries and I'm so glad, I just love standard...a Volkswagen Stick would be my ultimate dream car (speaking as if transfixed in a daydream, imagining driving this famous German car)
Gum/Tic-tac? Gum...I'm an addict!
Driver/Passenger? Passenger.
Stones/Beatles? Beatles.
Coffee/tea? Both! I can't pick!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Local (Starving: Someone buy this boy a burger) New York Artist: Jim Hoover
City/Suburb? City, ah, this is hard on the spot...although I'm a country boy at heart, I love the big city.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? (Jim is a natural born artist, check out his work: it's the best around and for a small fortune, you can get your own portrait) Ummm...depends on how it's done, if it's a real graffiti artist, they'll put it up with real consideration into how it gets placed and they're careful not to deface as opposed to a kid climbing up on walls or a bridge just to tag it...
Bronx/Brooklyn? I've lived in both! Brooklyn!
Passive/Aggressive? Passive (speaking passively)
John: Updike/Steinbeck? I've done a book on him (Steinbeck), I art directed a biography book on him here at Viking.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Ummm, I gotta soft spot for Broadway.
Time/Time Out? Time.
In/Outdoor Person? I guess I'm more of an outdoor person, weather permitting.
Subway/Cab? I'm a cheap ass (aka starving artist), Subway!!!
Domestic/Import? I don't drive, I don't know, subway!
Non/conformist? Um, I like to consider myself a nonconformist.
Dog/Cat? I am actually more of a dog person but in the city, it's not possible and it's just too much responsibility (he has one cat, his girlfriend has 3 and they all live together in a Brooklyn apartment-and for those of you who can't do math, that's 2 adults and 4 cats!!!)
Plastic/Cash? credit card is my nemesis right now.
In/Extrovert? Ummm, depends on my mood, I guess I'm more of an extrovert.
Payless/Gallo? Payless...I wear shoes till they fall off my feet, till the soles wear down to the sidewalk...
Library/store? Book store, I haven't had a library card in 20 years!
Morning/NightOwl? Oh, night owl.
Salt/fresh water? Fresh.
Heels or Flats? I don't know (laughing) I don't notice the shoes, I'm short, so I guess flats!
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? There's a Little Italy in the Bronx? I did not know that? Is there really?
Dublin/London? Ah, both..I would love to go to both/either, would have to do a week bar crawl in both or as Sarah Palin says, 'I'll do the research and get back to ya!'
Standard/Automatic? Ah, automatic, no, sorry..standard! Stick! Stick!
Gum/Tic-tac? Tic tac, I never liked gum, gum makes you gag after awhile.
Driver/Passenger? These days (speaking sadly now, more serious) I'm more of the passenger, I miss having a car, driving a car...
Stones/Beatles? That's a tough one! These days I've (re)discovered the Stones...I would say the Stones.
Coffee/tea? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, coffee.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
James Huffman
City. I've always loved NY, it's one of my favorite places in the world...grew up outside of it but it was always within arms' reach.
Graffiti: Crime/Art?
Graffiti is both, that's what's great about it, it's an art and a crime.
(laughing) To my advantage and to my detriment, I am both.
John: Updike/Steinbeck?
(laughing) No idea.
(Been on off-off) As an audience member, I would prefer to off or off-off.
Time/Time Out?
Time Out.
In/Outdoor Person?
Subway, I can get car sick in a cab, I love the subway.
Non, by nature but at the same level would conform when I have to...
If I had to choose? Dog. But, cats are cool
Umm, good days and bad days, it really all depends, I'm a little bit of both.
Book Store, there's so many and they have coffee...
Night person.
Salt/fresh water?
Heels or Flats?
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC?
Never been to either but based on my knowledge, I would say London. It seems more
Automatic, unless I'm in the country...
Gum, gets the brain going, loosens up the jaw muscles...
Hmmm...hmmm...that's not an easy question, I'm gonna say, Rolling Stones.
Tea! Big green tea fan. Everything should have a nutritional value, coffee just has nothing to offer.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Musician: Jonathan Fritz
City/Suburb? Neither and both.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Both, I think both for will be recognized as art, sort of the way hip hop became one point people didn't appreciate it...
Bronx/Brooklyn? I don't prefer either.
Passive/Aggressive? Both.
John: Updike/Steinbeck? I don't know John Updike...
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? On Broadway.
Time/Time Out? Oh, neither.
In/Outdoor Person? Both.
Subway/Cab? Sorry? Oh, um (sips water), cab...but I'm fascinated by the subways, it's very underground, however; I prefer the privacy of a cab, it's more personal.
Domestic/Import? Import.
Non/conformist? (chewing) Um...I would say...I'm a formist.
Dog/Cat? Both.
Plastic/Cash? Plastic...but I love the history of cash! When I'm traveling, I love in every country it's like a little post card of who's important there. I'm always interested in things that don't drive wedges-that's why I play music...
In/Extrovert? Neovert: stage life- I am flamboyant and extrovert, sometimes I prefer to be quiet and listen...depends what I need and what I'm passionate of.
Payless/Gallo? Neither, I always buy great shoes but I never pay tremendous prices for them, as long as the shoe is good, I can usually find...I travel all over the world. I'm never in fashion so I can never be out of fashion.
Library/store? That's the hardest one and I don't know why. I love libraries, their structure and why they're built but with stores I can get the techno stuff, therefore I would choose what's right for my situation.
Morning/Night Owl? Night person. But I love the mornings for their possibilities, it's a new transition that I can't deny and I love that.
Salt/fresh water? Salt for the outside, fresh for the inside.
Heels or Flats? Heels look great but they hurt...but I think they're sexy, women also feel sexy in them. As a visual artist, it gives more leg and it has a certain kind of elegant connotation (I minored in photography in Plattsburg).
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? I haven't been to the one in the Bronx, only the one in Manhattan...I'm sure if I hang out there it's cool I'd change my mind.
Dublin/London? I lived in London for a year. I would say I'd live in London for the week, Dublin for the weekends!
Standard/Automatic? Automatic for the convenience, standard for the performance.
Gum/Tic-tac? Tic tac for percussion and gum for nerves and energy sometimes.
Driver/Passenger? Totally depends on where we're going, I love them both.
Stones/Beatles? Ultimately, the Beatles but they both played an impact of my development but the Beatles are more timeless for me.
Coffee/tea? I don't know, I've never had coffee, I love the coffee bean smell though. I've only ever had tea, so tea.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Funky Deadly Dean: Irish Pedicab Driver of NYC
City/Suburb? City.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Art.
Bronx/Brooklyn? Bronx.
Passive/Aggressive? Aggressive
John: Updike/Steinbeck? Who are they?
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Doesn't matter man, really.
Time/Time Out? Time out.
In/Outdoor Person? Out.
Subway/Cab? Doesn't matter. (Pauses to ponder). Depends on what situation you are in. If you're in rush hour, you take the train...if the trains are screwed up (delayed) or it's too late at night you take a cab man.
Domestic/Import? Doesn't matter, f###### car is a car!
Non/conformist? Non.
Dog/Cat? I like both.
Plastic/Cash? Cash.
In/Extravert? Extravert.
Payless/Gallo? Depends on the shoes.
Library/store? Book store.
Morning/NightOwl? Both.
Salt/fresh water? Both.
Heels or Flats? Doesn't matter.
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? Neither.
Dublin/London? Dublin but it's getting very English over there anyhow.
Standard/Automatic? Doesn't matter.
Gum/Tic-tac? Doesn't matter.
Driver/Passenger? Mostly the driver.
Stones/Beatles? Both.
Coffee/tea? Both.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Gal, 26 (International/Israel Student Attending Hunter College in NYC)
City/Suburb? (smiling) City.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Art.
Bronx/Brooklyn? Depends.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? (hesitating) I think off.
Time/Time Out? Time.
In/Outdoor Person? Out.
Subway/Cab? Cab! Of course!
Domestic/Import? I have no idea, we don't have imported in my country.
Non/conformist? What's that...well, if I am required to fight, I will fight. My father and sister are both lawyers...
Dog/Cat? Dog! I hate cats!
Plastic/Cash? Cash.
In/Extravert? I am outgoing, extrovert.
Payless/Gallo? Payless.
Library/store? Library, I have no choice...I am a student!
Morning/Night Owl? Night!
Salt/fresh water? Fresh.
Heels or Flats? Flat.
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? NYC, of course!
Dublin/London? Dublin.
Standard/Automatic? Standard! I like it, you get to feel don't do anything, except look around and make sure you don't drive into anything. With a standard, it's a totally different experience!
Gum/Tic-tac? Gum.
Driver/Passenger? Driver!
Stones/Beatles? The Beatles!
Coffee/tea? Coffee.
John Steinbeck/Updike? I am foreign, I don't know.
Passive/Aggressive? As a person? That's tricky! Ummm...okay, aggressive-when I want things, passive when there is no need to be aggressive.
Doctor Irene
City/Suburb? City.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Crime. It is a crime, um...isn't it? It is illegal.
Bronx/Brooklyn? (laughing) For what?? I grew up in the Bronx.
Passive/Aggressive? I am aggressive, I have to be. The AMA is against this (her naturalistic approach to human healing,etc, read up coming interview with Phillster and Doctor Irene on The New Yorker Blog).
John: Updike/Steinbeck? Neither!
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Broadway.
Time/Time Out? Time Out.
In/Outdoor Person? In
Subway/Cab? Subway.
Domestic/Import? Domestic, no wait, I drive a Honda so import.
Non/conformist? I am a non-conformist, obviously!
Dog/Cat? I am a cat person.
Plastic/Cash? Cash.
In/Extravert? Extrovert.
Payless/Gallo? Gallo, I spend a lot of money on my shoes, I have one pair of boots that cost over $1,000.
Library/store? Book Store.
Morning/Night Owl? Night!
Salt/fresh water? Salt.
Heels or Flats? I wear flats more.
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? In Manhattan.
Dublin/London? London.
Standard/Automatic? Automatic. I just learned how to drive! I lived in New York my whole life. I don't know how to drive a standard.
Gum/Tic-tac? Neither!
Driver/Passenger? Tough one, I've always been the passanger up until recently when I learned how to drive.
Stones/Beatles? I prefer the Rolling Stones.
Coffee/tea? Tea.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The Essential Question Interview with Valerie
City/Suburb? Well, I live in LA but I Love the city, so both.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Art.
Bronx/Brooklyn? Brooklyn.
Passive/Aggressive? I am passive, not aggressive.
John: Updike/Steinbeck? I love John Steinbeck.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Oh, Broadway.
Time/Time Out? Time Magazine.
In/Outdoor Person? Out.
Subway/Cab? When I am in New York I LOVE taking the subway!
Domestic/Import? I drive a JAG, import.
Non/conformist? Middle of the road, is that an answer?
Dog/Cat? Well, I’ve always been a cat person, but I just got a little puppy and we love her so now I’m both a cat and a dog person.
Plastic/Cash? I used to carry only cash but lately (this year) it’s been a lot of plastic because my daughter and I did a lot of traveling.
In/Extravert? Introvert.
Payless/Gallo? I think I’m more a Payless Girl.
Library/store? Book Store.
Morning/Night Owl? Night….I love the night time.
Salt/fresh water? Salt.
Heels or Flats? Flats, heels will wreck your feet, remember you wore those heels and your feet were all cut up and we couldn’t find one store in Times Square that sold flip flops?
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? In Manhattan.
Dublin/London? Dublin I guess.
Standard/Automatic? Automatic.
Gum/Tic-tac? Tic-tac.
Driver/Passenger? Sometimes I like to be the driver but other times I like to just be the passenger, so half and half.
Stones/Beatles? Beatles.
Coffee/tea? Coffee!
Interview with Superbowl Tide Commercial Actor
City/Suburb? City.
Graffiti: Crime/Art? (very, very, very long pause) It's an art...I think, depends on the work, you know, the situation.
Bronx/Brooklyn? Bronx!
Passive/Aggressive? Aggressive
John: Updike/Steinbeck? John Steinbeck.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? Off off.
Time/Time Out? Time.
In/Outdoor Person? In door actually, based on my behavior.
Subway/Cab? Um, subway.
Domestic/Import? Domestic.
Non/conformist? Probably non conformist I'd say.
Dog/Cat? Dog.
Plastic/Cash? Cash.
In/Extravert? Ummm...introverted.
Payless/Gallo? Payless.
Library/store? Book Store.
Morning/NightOwl? Night person.
Salt/fresh water? Fresh.
Heels or Flats? Heels.
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? Bronx.
Dublin/London? I can't say, I've never been to either.
Standard/Automatic? Cars? Domestic.
Gum/Tic-tac? Tic tac.
Driver/Passenger? Driver.
Stones/Beatles? Ummm (sort of a long pause) Stones.
Coffee/tea? Coffee.
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