City/Suburb? I wanna say both…
Graffiti: Crime/Art? Wait! Graffiti art or crime? What does that mean? Oh! I get it now…art.
Bronx/Brooklyn? Neither. Manhattan baby.
Broadway/Off/Off-Off? OFF.
Time/Time Out? Time.
In/Outdoor Person? I like outdoor cafes but I like the indoors too.
Subway/Cab? Cab! (laughing) Cab definitely. Money…you know…umm…well, unfortunely I usually have to take the subway but a cab is a real treat (smiling).
Domestic/Import? Import…because it seems like anything good is from another country. It’s usually more cheaper or better…or, or, I’m thinking of clothes and cars and furniture, I just like the design better.
Non/conformist? Non! But would like to one day be a conformist…why? Because I think that’s what ‘grownups’ are supposed to do!
Dog/Cat? Dog! I don’t really like cats…..Love dogs, prefer fat cats to skinny ones….have guinea pig. Her name is LaClare. When my mom died a friend of ours, his last name was LaClare…he helped us so much during that time, I named her after him to pay homage.
Plastic/Cash? That’s a tough question. Love both. Put ‘love both…’
In/Extravert? I’m actually both. Extravert around strangers…introvert around those I love. (Hesitating). Yeah. That’s actually pretty true!
Payless/Gallo? Gallo. Well, I’m not really…I’m a bargain shopper! Gallo shoes, Payless prices!
Library/store? Bookstore. Why? Libraries are too sterile for me. Actually I prefer used book stores…they have a lot of character. And the people that work there. They’re usually pretty literate…they’re dorks basically.
Morning/Night Owl? Definitely night. I can barely get up at 8:30 for work.
Salt/fresh water? Definitely a salt water girl. Ocean!
Heels or Flats? Always, always, always heels. I find it…I feel much sexier in heels!
Little Italy: Bronx/NYC? I’ve never been to Little Italy in the Bronx so I’m gonna have to say Manhattan. I would definitely like to got to Little Italy in the Bronx.
Dublin/London? Dublin. And I’ve never even been there. I don’t like London…it’s too grey. (You been there?) Yeah. Standard/Automatic? Definitely Standard! I like to feel the car shift. And I feel like a bad ass that I’m a woman and I know how to drive a stick shift. My father bought me a FIREBIRD and told me I had to learn.
Gum/Tic-tac? Gum…always. Cuz it last longer.
Driver/Passenger? I’d rather be a Driver! But since I live in Manhattan, I’m usually the passenger. I want to be a driver again! Put that in.
Stones/Beatles? Stones….sick of the Beatles. Um…I don’t know the Stones to me are more raw…they’re just more rock-n-roll. The Beatles seem more intellectual where the Stones seem more raw and emotional.
Coffee/tea? Coffee. Coffee. Coffee. And more coffee. I can’t stress that enough.
John Steinbeck/Updike? You know that’s a tough one. I only know Updike so I can’t really make that decision.
Passive/Aggressive? (Pause) I would say passive. Aggressive…when things don’t go MY way. (Smiling).